how to make youtube content using AI


1. voiceover

Voiceover first thing you should do is make voiceover by AI and put a video after that on a voiceover that you made on the video and montage it with montage program   and their a lot of ideas that you can make it with AI first thing


* you can make videos about natural and make motivation voiceover on the video and up lode the video


* or you can make the same thing in first tip but rather than make natural video you can put gym work out and make motivation voiceover on it


* you can make videos about 10 facts and use the AI for turn text  to voice and write article about 10 fact you wasn’t know and make AI turn it to voice and take that voice and put it at your video and montage it and up load it after that 


1. Create content

You can use AI ask him making content,after that use that content that AI create it for  you  and make

voiceover on it and choice the video and merge them together

You can too if you have channel ask AI about new content or challenges  you do to your channel

You can also talk about AI in your channel and make it content for you and use short links and put free

AI websites and earn from short links or you can to search about affiliate marketing and ask AI about most things profitable and talk about it in your channel and make link your affiliate for profitable products and eran from affiliate



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